
What are Assets?

Assets are a kind of reusable content in Modern Campus CMS that takes a single source of content and places it on as many pages as you want. Then, when the asset is edited and published, the content is automatically updated on all those pages. The different types of assets available also allow for some more complicated types of content than you can create in the page editor. You cannot edit an asset on a page, but must open the original asset to make and save any changes.

Types of Assets

  • Web Content: Web content assets are used for entering HTML-formatted text or media items such as images and videos.
  • Plain Text: Plain text assets are used for entering text without any formatting, though they are still affected by page styling.
  • Source Code: Source code assets are used for entering source code or scripts such as JavaScript or PHP.
  • Image Gallery (LDP): Image gallery assets are used for entering multi-image slideshows.
  • Form (LDP): Form assets are used for entering forms, surveys, and polls. A database is required to store form submissions.
  • Comments (LDP): Comments assets are unique in that they are not their own asset type; instead, they are a source code asset with code from the platform Disqus inserted.